Sunday, October 02, 2005

This is a lace weight shawl I designed (sort of) and knitted for a friend in the order of the Eastern Star. She had gotten a grand appointment and I wanted to give her something extra


At 5:33 PM, Blogger nick said...

exquisite work
a very special gift indeed
men who knit lace are a rare breed indeed

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Ollie said...

that is truly beautiful!! I hope someday to make it all the way thru a lace item....I did the Faina's Scarf but that was easy compared to most I've tried. you've given me hope to try again!!!!! thanks!!!
meg peters

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Deby said...

I love this shawl. You do such wonderful work. I like all the detial. I prefer a shawl pattern with many patterns in it than one that is the same throughout.
What a lucky friend. Do you need another???


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